Monday, April 6, 2009


First day back in LA
woke up at 730 in the morn to be at work by 8.
had a nice long 8 hour shift with carla, athur, and justin.
ohhh boy, do they make me laugh sometimes (:
so my way back home was pretty interesting.
i was walking to my bus stop, and as i was walking,
a teenage boy on his bike said to me "you're beautiful."
haha and it wasn't creepy at all !
it sounded so sincere, which made my day because i knew that, really, i looked like crap.
i didn't fix my hair, and my bangs were up cause they were messed when i awoke haha.
one comment from someone can really make your day no matter how small.
so anyways, as i was sitting on the bus, an old filpino man walks on.
he sits across from me, and the first thing i notice is that he's wearing incredibly short shorts !
haha the second thing i noticed was that he had a small tattoo of an octopus on his thigh !
it made me giggle, and i tried to take a picture,
but my camera phone wasn't good enough.
also, on the bus was some mean middle-aged man.
he was trying to move to the back of the bus.
the man he was trying to pass was on the phone at the time
so the middle-aged guy got angry and kept telling him to move away.
the guy on the phone said "i was talking on the phone" meaning he didn't hear the other guy when he asked him to move.
the middle-aged guy was so rude that he kept telling him to "get off the fucking phone."
and even when the guy on the phone kept quiet out of courtesy, the other man kept on cussing.
it surprises me how rude people can be even to those who mind their own business.
i wish that everyone would just get along, but that's quote impossible, sadly.

so i realized, that i REALLY REALLY need to move on.
i can find someone who cares about me just as much as i care for them.
even though i still love you know who, i can't wait forever.
and im pretty sure that nothing will happen again anyways, the way i see it.
so i think i may start searchin again.
im not saying im gonna trust any guy again, but i should be happy again.
i'd like to have the butterflies in my tummy all over again.
and i would like to be a special someone again.
it's kind of exciting, but im kind of nervous.
and knowing me, by tonight i might even change my mind.
i'm indecisive that way.

today's horoscope !:


Watch yourself in flirtatious situations. Make sure not to take them too seriously.


You're feeling quite stable today and much more ready for whatever may be coming. In fact, it's easier than ever for you to profit from the small stuff that is popping up all around you.


"don't you see?

That's what proves me right. I care the most, because if i can do it"--

he shook his head, seeming to struggle with the thought

-- "if leaving is the right thing to do,

then i'll hurt myself to keep from hurting you,

to keep you safe."

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