Wednesday, April 14, 2010

4 14 10

"you could have been a part of a masterpiece"
it honestly just makes me so angry some days. that he didn't really give it a chance to let things get better. as soon as things got bad, he was always the first to give up. if i wasn't funny/happy/smiling pun, he didn't want me. i wasn't enough, i suppose. there are so many mean and angry things that i could say right now, but im trying to hold back. ughhh dfhlkjdhglkghkaejv. i dont want to love him anymore, it isnt fair.


Sassy said...

I know how you feel.

sonika said...

I can understand how u feel right now?

Jessie P said...

OHHHHH GIRLLLL PLEASE LET ME TELL YOU.... YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE! :o) VERY FEW guys know what they want and yes... when things get tough they definately bail out.. cause they are not mature to handle it! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL and he is not good enough for you! DO NOT EVER settle for less than what you deserve.
Psalm 37:4 Take delight in the Lord and He will give you your hearts desires.

Good luck!

hearts & tarts said...

love is about a man who gives up on love is a coward.

Kraneia said...

Have you noticed guys tend not to know what they have until they lose it? This must be a man thing.

Of course, it sounds like you're better off without this jerk... if he wasn't willing to make an effort to kiss and make it better.



Kay said...

I've been there too girl...wonderful blog!!;-)

Charmed by the Star Filled Texas Sky said...

Oh can all of us girls agree!! I know. You have to be a certain way, for them to be okay. When your upset, sad, they don't want that around them. In a way, they want you to never show your true feelings. Bu t If you can't talk to them, or confide in them. What special love do you have?? I have to say. I have to say though, enjoy life, and you will find someone who appreciates and cares how you feel one day.. I'm in that same phase you are. Believe me. :)

Ayumi Kuramae said...


Pati said...

Hang in there. God will not give you more than you can handle. Really. Remember "This too shall pass". Things happen for a reason. I know these are only words right now. I have been through it too. One day you will look back, and see how far you have come.

Lucy R said...

Trust me i know how that feels, im going thro it, in a very hard way.Its betta to feel than not feel at would be just real blahhh. Hope things get better

melissa said...

i definitely know how u feel. i like your page come visit mine if u want

sonika said...
