Wednesday, April 29, 2009


then all at once,
you have to say goodbye

today i got a bruise from hitting my shin on that stupid cart.
stupid things has orange metal sticking out of it's sides.
got another paper cut from breaking a dumb box.
nearly broke another finger nail opening up the box of function water.
i'm accident prone now.
as long as it's not super serious it's okay..
but on a more serious note..
my heart hurts.. literally.
i get random sharp pains in my chest.
it couldn't even move the first time i got it while i was in bed.
it felt like a bullet shot me in the heart and came out through my back.
these sharp pains won't seem to leave.
thankfully, im going to my doctor on friday.
we'll see what happens.

why is it that i can get all the guys i dont wants ?
i am "dick repellent" with the juans i want.
haha thanks, justin !

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